Sunday, May 17, 2009

Being Blonde in an Unfamiliar Country

Saturday Rachel, Liz N. and I decided to go to the Flea Market. this would be Rachel and I´s 4th time going but I loved it so much it didn´t even matter! Every time I buy more and more things because they are so amazing! anyways, as Rachel and I walked back to her house we stopped and got a pop to drink as we were thirsty. We paid and left. Within a few minutes i had hopped on a combi and was heading home. The combiador came over to where i was sitting and asked for my money. I looked at my purse and was searching for my wallet. It wasn´t on top which i thought was weird because i had just bought the pop. So i dumped my entire purse out and gifts on the seat next to me and nothing. CRAP! but to my brillent mind i keep money in my pocket for the combi fairs in case there is no room to dig through my purse. I pull out of my pocket 3.5 soles and it only costs me 1.20 to get home! Wow that was close. how would i have explained to the person in spanish that i lost my wallet and can´t pay him. Thank the Lord that wasn´t the case and i´m always prepared. Once i got home i told my family what had happened and that i´m pretty sure where it was however, there´s no garuntee it is still there. I called Rachel and had her and her mom go back to the store to see if they could find it by the register. 20 minutes later i get a phone call saying they have it with everything inside!!! WOW i´m lucky, but i´ll find out for sure if anything is gone tomorrow at class. Let´s just say i´m not letting my wallet leave my side again! that could have been awful, but i thank the God that it turned out well for me! :)

Other than that i´m enjoying my time here and i love my family. I can´t wait until Friday when our group gets to go swimming with Sea Lions!!! i´ll let you know how it goes!
Until then have a great week at work or school or summer for some of you!
Rachel good luck on your exams and same goes for people in Goshen!

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